Friday, September 5, 2014

Here's a short clip from the Metropolitan Room gig. The show was a wonderful success thanks to all of our supporters! Thanks for coming down!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Upcoming Gigs!

Happy summer everyone! I have some upcoming public events that I want to share with those of you who are always asking me where they can catch me. To all my Jersey friends, I'm singing at a free outdoor concert in Woodland Park on Wednesday, July 23rd from 7-00-8:30pm with Joe Caroselli & Masterpiece. Here's the info:
And for my Manhattan buddies, I'll be playing at the Metropolitan Club with an alternative rock band called Scott Keller & the Renegades on Saturday, August 2nd.  Would love to see you if you can make it down!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ready To Rock In 2014!!!

Hi all!  In April of 2013, I became involved with a group of talented musicians and we recorded our very first CD entitled "Poison Arrow" with our original pop/rock band, Chance Taken.  It was a really fun, creative process and by November 1st, the CD was released!  We're now heading back into the studio to start working on our 2nd CD and will be gigging on a regular basis shortly.  I feel blessed to have this kind of creative outlet and it couldn't have happened with a nicer group of guys!  For more info, visit the band's website at

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


For the past couple months, I've been busy in the studio with a new original pop/rock band called Chance Taken.  I'm really excited about this project, not only for the musicianship and creativity exuding from each member of this band, but because for the first time in my life, I'm contributing some of my own lyrics and am feeling inspired to write more than ever before.  We're in the process of recording a CD/Album which is slated for a Fall 2013 release.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dancing Goats on the Radio!

The Dancing Goats band will be interviewed and playing a few tunes live on the radio this coming Sunday, February 10th.  The program will air from 10-11pm on radio 1460AM as well as on-line at  

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Dancing Goats Band!

As most of you know, I make my living doing cover tunes and mostly at private parties, but I just started working with a really cool original jam band and can now invite people down to my gigs more often! We'll be playing in clubs and festivals, so be on the lookout for the DANCING GOATS!!!  For more info, check out their website

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Land of the Free!

Despite the heat, hundreds showed up in the Town of Lewisboro to celebrate the 4th of July festivities! It was a fun night!